Friday, October 31, 2008

who does that?

for valentine's day 2008 i bought my man friend a beta fighting fish and a tank, both were red. we named the fish, andrew. i wasn't optimistic about this fish living too long, he was studying for the california bar exam, and overall is sort of into himself. but he did it, he took care of it for eight long months. at the end of august he moved the tank to the kitchen, i got a lot less face time with andrew after that. i mean my time spent in the bedroom is way greater than my time in the kitchen.

we went to whole foods on monday to grab some dinner so that we could get home to his projection screen to watch the monday night football game in comfort and style. we got everything out of the boxes and on plates and settled. and it occured to me. i didn't see the red tank in the kitchen. so over my spinach lasagna i ask, where's andrew?

apparently, a couple weeks ago he was cleaning out the tank and let andrew swim down the drain! i was mortified! then instead of telling me, because he felt so bad and ashamed. he packed up the red tank in a brown shopping bag, went into a fish/pet store and left the tank in the store and left! i have no idea what to make of any of this! who does that?!!?!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nike "Leave Nothing"

i'm not sure when this commerical started running, but i do know when it touched my life. i saw it in just about every commercial break during the steeler/bengals game this sunday, and simply fell in love. it's super cute for a football commercial!

i <3 troy polamalu so much!

i'm sorry he suffered a concussion during the game, but i'm pretty sure he's practicing this week. we're against the giants this sunday, 4:15pm EST, and we're going to need him.

maybe he just needs to watch his nike commerical to become inspired...

what people are looking for...

i'm proud to say, that since my last political post. i've been getting mad hits through the search engine sites. apparently, there happen to be quite a lot of people asking that same question i did, "how do i know if i'm registered to vote?" i've got 100+ hits since then, from people looking for answers to that question.

i couldn't be more proud that i have enabled at least 100 people to get out there and vote this november 4th. it's going to be a big one for us peoples of america, and i know that is said every four years, but this time, i think it's pretty true.

i don't care who you vote for, just go out and vote!

don't be lame, don't let us turn into this...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

my printer at work

dudes, sorry that previous post turned out to be lame. i need to take the time and upload that thing proper. it was taking to long, and i needed to use my computer. so sorry!

things have been so hectic the last two weeks here at work. i don't think i want to get too much into, but imagine worst case scenario and that's pretty much me. oh, and yesterday i wanted to throw my 10+year old printer out the 17th floor window. maybe i'll just do like boys in 'office space' and get hip hop on it!

or maybe like the guys from family guy:
this one doesn't have sound for some reason,

Thursday, October 16, 2008

here's my drive to work

for any of you who don't know about commuting here in lovely la, this video is for you! this is my morning commute. i decided to record it today becausei it was so gorgeous out. keep in mind that my commute is only 6 miles. happy looking!
*this wasn't posted to stress you out, but to educate you :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

UPDATE: peeping toms suck

this story ends on a happy friend, rainbow, with the peeping tom problem has found an apartment. she's moving to the beach, where she's always wanted to be. she gives up her dog to her ex-husband though, there are not dogs allowed in this new apartment building. but she's happy and this is where she wants to be. move in is on monday, and she's about a 10-15 minute walk from my apartment. so i have a new neighbor as well! yay carpooling!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Craft Fair

i'm psyched to have stumbled upon "felt club". it's a craft fair that is going down on november 16th, here's a link. and quite possibily the best part of this indie craft fair is that my favorite gem is going to be there performing, LESLIE HALL! she "loves to dance in her gold pants", seriously! i may have to finally pony up and buy a pair of gold pants from american apparel.

anyway, what i'm saying is, if you're in the la area come to the fair you'll enjoy it!

Friday, October 3, 2008

how do i know if i'm registered to vote?

seriously people! if you had to ask that question, you should do about 2 seconds of research on the web to find the answer, like i had to do. in the past year i registered three times, 1. when i got my cali state drivers license 2. when i was at coachella 3. when i was at the jack johnson concert. but i haven't received anything to my address in terms of voting materials so i was getting a bit worried and did some detective work today. HERE'S THE LINK. you have to scroll a little bit down the page, and you type in your zip code. from there you'll find out what county office number you should call.

if you know that you need to register to vote, you can do so HERE or HERE. and it's really, really, REALLY important that you do so. like, okay guys!? just do it!